Playgroup Victoria is a not-for-profit, incorporated association committed to helping all Victorian families discover the benefits of playgroup. We advocate for the benefits of play in a child’s early years of learning and act as support base for communities and families wanting to start and successfully run a playgroup

50 Years of Playgroup Victoria

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, there were hundreds of playgroups running throughout Melbourne and country Victoria. There became a need for some cohesion and networking between these groups and parents, wanting to start and join playgroups. In response to the need, a group of hard-working volunteers came together and invited playgroups and interested people to ring in for advice and support on Monday mornings. The response was so great that in 1974, the Victorian Playgroup Association was formed. The goal was to set up an advisory service, to help playgroups to flourish and grow. The Association endeavoured to fulfil the need for workshops, lectures and discussions related to parenthood and life with children and to liaise with local, state and federal governments.

50 years on, Playgroup Victoria is still working to ensure families have access to, and can participate in, playgroup. Playgroup has evolved to include a variety of different types of playgroups such as bush playgroups, culturally diverse playgroups, dads playgroups, rainbow playgroups and grandparents playgroups- among others.

In 2024 we estimate there are more than 2,000 playgroup sessions running each week, in over 1,000 venues across Victoria. Funding from the Commonwealth and State Governments has enabled Playgroup Victoria to develop a community development approach to assist and support playgroups. This place-base approach ensures the needs of the community are better understood, fostering relationships and partnerships within local early childhood and family services

Our Vision is for all Victorians to value and benefit from playgroup

Playgroup Over The Years

Playgroup Over The Years